Monday, August 16, 2010

Would You Buy Tampons Online?

The Wave and EGA How to install eGroupware

Although it is ironic that I posted this here on Blogger, another free service from Google, (just in case I have backups of all posts), that what I am criticizing is the folly and short overview of a company, EGA future, who opted for Google Wave.

I find it amazing that technology companies, such as that shown in the report of the daily El Pais, (See Article
) has endangered its performance by relying on the services of a third company BETA.

EGA Futura depends on the use of Google Wave service, service / software will soon be extinct.

EGA Futura opted for a closed solution but free, (not to be confused with FOSS or Open Source), and as it says in the article were wrong, a lot.

Such solutions are reminiscent of Windows, Gmail, Youtube, Flickr, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Tuenti, MySpace, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, and a long etc., services / programs, which at the time to stop be profitable for their owners, (Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, etc) will disappear, leaving lying to users and customers.

If, however, had opted for free software there are always developers / users (common pairing in the world of Open Source), which continue to improve and maintain the program. . . Visit

This is an example of why you should opt for Free Software leaving aside closed solutions.
Creative Commons License My most heartfelt condolences to you at the time decided to use Wave EGA Futura, that if you pitch, ask for it.


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