Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Does Tay-sachs Affect Askenazi Jews

aka ManuMIAS!

Special Day.
I think I'll start to hide my age ... hahaha ... like the time go a little slower or better than the numbers would not increase my age: P I spent a very quiet day with lots of praise! very grateful for that, I propose to update Blog more often that not to be confused with Pop Downloads site soon I'll upload my material My Comics! :-)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Much Milk Is In Optimum Nutrition

:-) Download: The New Britney Spears (mp3 + Instrumental)

Hold It Against Me (mp3)

Hold It Against Me [Instrumental]

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Where To Buy A Nice Pant Suit

As speed Internet surfing with a local DNS cache with dnsmasq

To speed up web browsing, speeding up the name resolution will create a local DNS cache, we will install dnsmasq DNS Server will use as our network, we can also install dnsmasq on our team and use it as a "single user"

Server Configuration

apt-get install dnsmasq

To avoid losing your settings of "manufacture" of dnsmasq will make a copy of the configuration file of the program

cp / etc / dnsmasq.conf / etc / dnsmasq.conf.original

Edit the configuration file and we like the following example of basic configuration of dnsmasq

nano / etc / dnsmasq.conf

# port that will operate the service
port = 53 # this will
dnsmasq say, not to pass higher servers,
# names without periods, or part domain, thus avoiding the burden
# unnecessary on dns servers root.
# This will prevent the re-shipment to the main DNS server
# address space without routing
bogus-priv # Size
domain ip address to be stored in cache
cache-size = 1000 #
will use DNS to resolve names dnsmasq
; resolv-file = / etc / dnsmasq-servers-parent

Editarmos the DNS Hosts file to use dnsmasq

nano / etc / dnsmasq-servers-parent

and write the main DNS that we use, the format is identical to the file "/ etc / resolv.conf "

nameserver nameserver

it is finished, edit the file" / etc / resolv.conf "and delete all servers DNS and leave a line like this:

nano / etc / resolv.conf

nameserver Now, we configure our computer to use it as a DNS server, we do this by copying the following line in the file "/ etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf "

nano / etc / resolv.conf
prepend domain-name-servers;

With everything configured, restart the dnsmasq

, / etc / init.d / dnsmasq restart

In the client computers, we replace the servers name displayed in the file "/ etc / resolv.conf" with the IP of our new Local DNS Server

For example:

nano / etc / resolv.conf
; namserver to verify that we are using the new server, do a check using the command "dig" dig

and would

that if a response something like the following:

, \u0026lt;\u0026lt;>> DiG 9.7.0-P1 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 60378
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 5, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;            IN    A

;; ANSWER SECTION:        142    IN    A        142    IN    A        142    IN    A        142    IN    A        142    IN    A

;; Query time: 39 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Jan 11 11:09:02 2011
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 107

and as you can see the lines of "SERVER" We are using it as local DNS server to our server and not an external DNS .

Based on the HowTo's from Go2Linux and Linux Guide

Creative Commons License

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Disable Lenovo Veriface Windows 7

Copying is not stealing

Creative Commons License

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cm Is Watery And White

Download: The Ting Tings - Hands (Music Video)

Police Calls Frequency Guide

Download: Pink - Raise Your Glass (Music Video)

How Soon Can I Wear A Corset After Giving Birth

Download: Enrique Iglesias - Tonight [Uncensored Version] (Music Video)

Download: http://

How To Know The Best Currancy To Invest In

Happy New Year wishes Productions ManuMIAS

Hello dear visitors, sorry for the lack of updates, we hope that with the idea of \u200b\u200b"new year" increase our energy and keep the positive momentum we had before , we hope to put the batteries and add many projects to do list, that is the best way to start a good job.

ProduccionesManuMIAS wish you a Happy New Year and hope you enjoyed the holidays! A working away! :-)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pubes Waxed Free Movie

Configure SSH to "listen" on Multiple Ports

This setup can cause security risks

Edit the file " / etc / ssh / sshd_config " and enable the " GatewayPorts ", plus the following lines:

AllowTcpForwarding GatewayPorts
no yes

# X11DisplayOffset 10
Below the line "Port 22 " writing, for example, the following lines:

Port 80 Port 22 Port 1025

Restart the SSH service, / etc / inet.d / sshd restart , and now this service is listening on ports 22, 80 and 1025

Read on " mypapit gnu / linux blog "

Creative Commons License

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Long Can Trichomoniasis Lay Dormant In Women

Bear Grylls

Seen in " hey, I watch TV piro "

Creative Commons License