Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dizziness And Naseau After Ultrasound

As Changing the Default Crontab Editor

the distributions of Linux that we use, Crontab editor is different, Ubuntu is nano in CentOS is vi, etc.

To change the default crontab editor, we must first find out where is the executable of the new editor, in this case we will change to " vi" with "nano " Which

  1. nano / usr / bin /
  2. nano export EDITOR = / usr / bin / nano

with this we get to edit cron jobs (crontab-e ) the publisher is " nano" and not "vi "

Based on the post of NetAdminTools

Creative Commons License

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Does Ls Stand For In Ls Mag

Encrypt and Decrypt Text Online

have times you need to spend some sensitive text or any data that is not advisable to send email or IM someone, and need to encrypt it.

We have a solution that is not the panacea of \u200b\u200bsecurity but that gives us a service that can get us out of trouble, which is the service that provides " Webnet77 "

From this website you can paste the text, put us a key and encrypts the text in seconds, and the encrypted text and send it by mail of its key send it by msn, twitter, or the way we see fit, but never both together!

Creative Commons License